Are You Going on Your First Solo Adventure? Here are 6 Tips:


Booking a solo adventure is extremely exciting because you’re finally spreading your wings and doing something you’ve dreamt of for years. Although exciting, it may also feel daunting or even a little bit scary because there are so many unknowns. Luckily, we've rounded up a few tips and tricks to help you keep your fears at bay.

Start with a Tour

If you really want to book a solo trip but still feel hesitant, a group tour may be the perfect option. A group tour will give you the satisfaction of gaining your independence while providing you with assurance and stability. You can start out slow by booking a one-way ticket and joining a group tour for the first portion of your vacation and go off on your own when you feel more comfortable. Starting out with a group tour will help you familiarize yourself with the area while learning about the local culture and customs with other first-time travelers.

Research, Research, Research

Solo traveling isn’t easy but doing your research and preparing as much as you can before you go will help put your mind at ease. Luckily, we live in an era where information flows freely and a quick google search will yield tons of informative tips and tricks. Leveraging online forums, blogs, articles, or even Facebook groups or Instagram pages will help you learn everything you need to know about whichever destination you choose.

When visiting a new country or immersing yourself in a new culture as a solo traveler, it’s important to cross your T’s and dot your I’s. Before leaving, you should research the following things:

  • Local transportation methods and best practices

  • Local scams or dupes that you may fall victim to

  • Safe neighborhoods and areas to steer clear from

  • Best attire for the trip and culturally appropriate clothing


Exude Confidence

If you’re traveling on your own, chances are you’re already somewhat confident and quite independent. Everyone has weary moments and it's normal to doubt yourself from time to time. What’s most important in these scenarios is remaining confident, or at least faking it until you feel more comfortable. Exuding confidence will help ward off any unwanted attention. If you find yourself in a sticky situation, walk into a shop or restaurant to collect your thoughts and devise a plan. If you feel comfortable reaching out to a local for help, exude confidence and try your best not to appear lost or confused.  

Leverage Technology

Solo travel is all about being independent and self-reliant and an often-under-appreciated asset is your cell phone. Just because you’re traveling alone, it doesn’t mean it has to be difficult. There are tons of different tools and resources that are available to you in the palm of your hand. If you’re struggling with directions and can’t find a local for clarity, you can use Google Maps. If you’re struggling with the local language, you can use Google translate to break down the barrier and converse without hesitation. Lastly, if you’re struggling with converting currency, you can take advantage of resources like XE Currency to make conversions a breeze.

Make your Money Accessible  

The modern world and convenient access to technology has made it super easy to access your money efficiently and safely when traveling abroad. When traveling, it’s extremely important to take the time to research the best, and most affordable ways to access your money before you arrive in a foreign country. Take the time to research which type of currency or form of payment is widely accepted where you're traveling, and make sure that your card is optimized for travel so you’re not losing absorbent amounts of money in fees.

Capture Life-Long Memories  

One of the best parts about traveling is making life-long memories and snapping beautiful photos is a great way to commemorate your adventures. Before you hit the road, it may be worthwhile to invest some time into learning best practices or tips and tricks for capturing the perfect shot. If you’re traveling solo, packing a tripod, or making friends with a stranger that can snap a few epic photos in front of some iconic landmarks will work just fine. One day, your photos will be all you have to remember this amazing period in your life, and you’ll be extremely thankful that you took the time to snap a few great ones.

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